Don’t let your house be the neighborhood liquor store. Talk to the youth in your life about the harmful effects of underage drinking and secure and monitor alcohol in your home.
Why Prevent Underage Drinking
9 out of 10 people who are addicted to alcohol began using before they were 18.4
3 out of 4 youth who drink alcohol report drinking in their home or home of a friend. 2
Percent of high school students who had their first drink of alcohol before the age of 15.3
The annual impact of underage drinking to the state of North Carolina.1
Percent of 12th Graders who rode in a car with someone who has been drinking in the past 30 days.3
Percent of NC high school students drank alcohol in the past 30 days.3
Of the NC High School Students who drank in the past 30 days, half of them were binge drinking.3
Sources: 1 UDETC 2013. 2 NC Youth Prevention Survey, 2017. 3 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021. 4 Partnership to End Addiction, 2015.